The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to a young pastor, named Timothy, in which he told him: “Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, TO DOCTRINE.” (1 Timothy 4:13; NKJV) By writing this, Paul was declaring that one of a pastor’s duties as the shepherd of God’s people is to make sure that biblical “doctrine” is being taught within the church. Biblical “doctrine” is defined as the biblical “teachings” that are found in God’s Word. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived on this earth, wrote to his children these important words: “Hear, my children, the instruction of a father, And give attention to know understanding; FOR I GIVE YOU GOOD DOCTRINE…Get wisdom! Get understanding! …Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:1-7). For Christians, this means whether it is on the subject of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, Baptism, Angels, Salvation, or End Times, we need to get our “wisdom” and “understanding” from the Biblical “doctrines” that God reveals in His Holy Word. Since there are at least 52 Major Doctrines found in the Bible, as the senior pastor of Loris FBC, I believe it is my “calling” and my “duty” to make sure I teach these important “doctrines” to all who want to learn them.
May God bless you with the “wisdom” He promises to provide you through your efforts to learn and study His Word. And remember, that the Apostle Paul wrote to a young pastor, he was also writing to YOU when he said: “Take heed to yourself and to THE DOCTRINE. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.” (1 Timothy 4:16, NKJV).
Doctrine 1 What Is The Bible?
Doctrine 2A The Bible: Inspired By God
Doctrine 2B "Evidences" That Scripture Is The "Word Of God"
Doctrine 3 The Bible: Its Purpose and Subject
Doctrine 4 The Bible: As A Divine Revelation
Doctrine 5 God The Trinity
Doctrine 6 God The Father
Doctrine 7 God The Son: His Deity and Eternity
Doctrine 8 God The Son: His Incarnation
Doctrine 9 God The Son: His Substitutionary Death
Doctrine 10 God The Son: His Resurrection
Doctrine 11 God The Son: His Ascension and Priestly Ministry
Doctrine 12 God The Son: His Coming For His Saints
Doctrine 13 God The Son: His Coming With His Saints
Doctrine 14 God The Holy Spirit: His Personality
Doctrine 15 God The Holy Spirit: His Advent
Doctrine 16 God The Holy Spirit: His Regeneration
Doctrine 17 God The Holy Spirit: His Indwelling and Sealing
Doctrine 18 God The Holy Spirit: His Baptism
Doctrine 19 God The Holy Spirit: His Filling
Doctrine 20 The Dispensations
Doctrine 20.2 The Dispensations (Part II)
Doctrine 21 The Covenants
Doctrine 21.2 The Covenants (Part II)
Doctrine 22 Angels
Doctrine 23 Satan: His Personality and Power
Doctrine 24 Satan: His Work and Destiny
Doctrine 25 Man: His Creation
Doctrine 26 Man: His Fall
Doctrine 27 Sin: Its Character and Universality
Doctrine 28 Salvation From The Penalty Of Sin
Doctrine 29 Salvation From The Power Of Sin
Doctrine 30 Four Aspects Of Righteousness
Doctrine 31 Sanctification
Doctrine 32 Assurance Of Salvation
Doctrine 33 Security Of Salvation
Doctrine 34 Divine Election
Doctrine 35 The Church: Her Members
Doctrine 36 The Church: Her Purpose and Commission
Doctrine 37 The Church: Her Service and Stewardship
Doctrine 38 The Church: Her Worship in Prayer and Thanksgiving
Doctrine 39 The Church: Her Organization and Ordinances
Doctrine 40 The Church: The Body and Bride of Christ and Her Reward
Doctrine 41 The Church: The Sabbath and the Lord's Day
Doctrine 42 The Gentiles in History and Prophecy
Doctrine 43 Israel in History and Prophecy
Doctrine 44 Events Preceding the Second Coming of Christ
Doctrine 45 The Great Tribulation
Doctrine 46 The Second Coming of Christ
Doctrine 47 The Resurrection
Doctrine 48 The Judgment of Israel & Nations
Doctrine 49 The Millennial Kingdom
Doctrine 50 The Judgement of Satan & Fallen Angels
Doctrine 51 The Judgment of the Great White Throne
Doctrine 52 The New Heaven & the New Earth