His Story…Through Your Story
(Acts 22:1-21)
I. The T_______________ about Witnessing for Christ
A. All Believers C____________ to Do It (Acts 1:8; Mk 16:14-15)
B. Most Believers C__________ N______ to Do It (Lk 6:46)
1. E______________ F_______________ (2Tim 1:7-8)
2. B______________ M___________________ (1Cor 12:28-30; Eph 4:11-13)
3. P_______________ F_____________________:
“Not T __________ Believers To T_________ T______________S______________”!
II. Your T_______________ for Witnessing about Christ
A. Every True Believer has a S____________ about How he was Saved (Acts 9:1-19)
B. Every True Believer needs to S______________ about How he was Saved (Acts 22:1-22; 2Cor 13:5; Eph 1:13)
1. Brief S__________ of L____________ before Salvation (vv. 1-5)
2. Brief D__________ of E____________ during Salvation (vv. 6-16; 1Cor 15:1-4; Rom 10:9-10)
3. Brief E__________of C_____________ after Salvation (vv. 17-21)